Vagueness, Approximation, and Granularity workshop

The second annual meeting of the project Vagueness, Approximation, and Granularity (VAAG) was held in Dubrovnik from 27th to 30th of April, 2010. The workshop took place in the Centre for Advanced Academic Studies of the University of Zagreb.

Dubrovnik meeting assembled all branches of VAAG project. The following members of the project participated in the meeting: Prof. Dr. Manfred Krifka (Centre for General Linguistics, Berlin), Dr. Stephanie Solt (Centre for General Linguistics, Berlin), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uli Sauerland (Centre for General Linguistics, Berlin), Dr. ing. Robert van Rooij (University of Amsterdam), María Inés Crespo (University of Amsterdam), Prof. Dr. Peter Gärdenfors (Lund University), Prof. Dr. Sverker Sikström (Lund University), Rasmus Bååth (Lund University), Prof. Dr. Ewan Klein (University of Edinburgh), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Velimir Išgum (University Hospital Rebro, Zagreb), Prof. Dr. Melita Kovačević (University of Zagreb), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marijan Palmović (University of Zagreb), Gordana Hržica (University of Zagreb), Magdalena Krbot, dipl. ing. (University of Zagreb), Ana Branka Šefer, dipl. ing. (University of Zagreb).

Each national project group presented research results from the elapsed period. The results were demonstrated through interesting presentations:

Uli Sauerland, Stephanie Solt: Who uses round numbers?
Stephanie Solt: An experimental investigation of vague predicates
Robert van Rooij: Vagueness, tolerance, and non-transitive entailment
María Inés Crespo: Semantic normativity (and some vagueness)
Peter Gärdenfors: Why language must be vague?
Sverker Sikström, Rasmus Bååth: Measuring vagueness with semantic spaces
Ewan Klein: Temporal partitions, granularity and coordination
Marijan Palmović: Vagueness and categorization: an ERP study
Gordana Hržica: Vagueness and quantification: an eye-tracking study

Each presentation was followed by comprehensive discussions. Many interesting ideas for new experiments were proposed and they will be implemented in further research.

At the end of the meeting prof. Krifka, the head of the project, briefly revised overall attained results and set out research guidelines for every national research group.

Next meeting will be held in December 2010 in Berlin and will be financed by the European Science Foundation.

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